
What is an appropriation?

An appropriation is additional funding outside of the budget process that can be requested twice per semester for travel, unforeseen expenses such as conferences or events, and for onetime capital outlays such as computers or large equipment for use by graduate and professional students in their organization. 

Can my chartered organization request a budget and an appropriation?

Yes! In fact, line items such as travel and other one-time purchases will not be funded through the annual budget process. The Finance Committee suggests that you request those items through an appropriation.

Chartered student organizations with graduate and professional students are eligible for funding appropriations from GPSA. Appropriation funding is primarily intended for:

  • Small-scale capital expenditures
  • One-time event funding
  • Unforeseen expenditures

General operational funding is typically reserved for budget requests unless an organization was not able to participate in the most recent budget process. Appropriations requests are reviewed by the Finance Committee and then forwarded — with recommendations — to the GPSA Council. Applicants will be notified of committee meeting dates.

How do I submit an appropriation request?

The link to download the appropriation is on the GPSA website below. Please be aware of the standing rules that the committee follows. An abridged summary of finance committee standing rules can be found on a tab in the appropriation request files. Email an electronic copy of your completed request to the GPSA Finance Chair at no later than the appropriations deadline.

I've submitted an appropriation request, what next?

Your next step is to attend a Finance Committee Meeting. This is mandatory as your group will be given time to explain your need for additional funding. A graduate or professional student must be the primary presenter at the meeting. This student should be the primary speaker and know the percentage of graduate and professional students in their organization.  The committee will then make a recommendation on your appropriation request and vote on it. If it is approved, it then goes on to the next Council Meeting. Council meetings are open to the public. You can attend but are not required to.

When can I use the money that was approved?

The amount approved by the GPSA Council is available to your organization only after it is approved and signed by the GPSA President. Please confirm with the GPSA Office that the President has signed your bill following the GPSA Council Meeting before spending the money via SGAO procedures and policies. 

Further Questions? Contact us by email at, visit the GPSA Office, or call us at 277-3803.

*Applications for travel funding that should be funded by Grants will NOT be eligible for appropriations funding. The Finance Committee strongly encourages students in need of individual travel funding, for conferences or other professional development events, to apply for GPSA Grants. 
