Legislative Steering Committee

The Legislative Steering Committee (LSC) is a standing committee composed of Council Representatives. The LSC Chair is appointed by the GPSA Council Chair and committee members must be GPSA Council Members. The purpose of the LSC is to review non-appropriative legislative items, such as Resolutions and Amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws, and to make recommendations on those items for Council’s consideration.  Any GPSA member, or any group with at least one GPSA member, may submit non-appropriative legislative items. Items must be submitted at least two (2) academic days prior to a scheduled LSC meeting (by 5:00 p.m. of that day).


If you are interested in writing a bill to amend the constitution or bylaw, please download the template and submit your document to the LSC Chair at gpsalsc@unm.edu. 

Please include a cover sheet with your name, departmental affiliation, and preferred email address.

Legislation Sample Form