About GPSA Committees

Committees are the backbone of GPSA. Committees are made up exclusively of students and include ten Executive Committees, a Legislative Committee, the Student Fee Review Board, and over a dozen University Committees. Each committee addresses specific issues related to student life at UNM and works to represent graduate & professional student and issues to UNM and the community. 

The GPSA Standing Committees manage the operations of GPSA. In addition, the GPSA President can create ad-hoc committees to accomplish specific tasks as needed. Ad-hoc committees dissolve at the end of the President’s term. Furthermore, representatives from GPSA sit on more than two dozen University Boards and Committees, bringing graduate & professional student concerns to the attention of the greater university community.

Committee chairs are appointed by the GPSA President but must be confirmed by the GPSA Council at the beginning of Fall semester. Joining a committee is a great way to get involved in GPSA, and we are always looking for qualified people to serve on committees.

If you have an idea for a committee or would like to hold a position, please feel free to contact us at gpsa@unm.edu.

Executive Standing Committees

Director of Boards, Committees, and Elections:

The Director of Boards, Committees, and Elections organizes the GPSA General Election to elect the GPSA President and approve any ballot items passed by Council, the President, or Student Body. Promotes the General Election, accepts applications for those running for GPSA President & Council Chair, and helps plan and host debates. The Director may also hold special elections as necessary or work with recognized departmental student associations (RDSAs) to plan their elections. Identifies campus and community resources for students, maintaining a list of graduate student organizations, services provided, and how each can be reached. Enhances and empower the lives of graduate students by providing support and access to information about resources available and contact information for appropriate community and University programs. 

More information on this year's General Election can be found here.


  • Plan and execute GPSA General Election (April)
  • Plan and execute GPSA Special Elections (As Needed)
  • Help students with navigating UNM
  • responsible for the committee invitations received by GPSA many facets of UNM seek graduate-level student input.


Finance Director:

The Finance Committee organizes the annual GPSA budget and works with the GPSA President, Chief of Staff, and officers to keep a balanced budget. The committee supervises the allocation of GPSA funds to departmental and non-departmental graduate and professional student organizations. The chair and two committee members are selected by the GPSA President. The vice-chair and two committee members are selected by the GPSA Council Chair.

Annual Budget

Appropriation Requests

Pro-rated Benefits (PB) Funds


  • Receive and organize Budget and Appropriation Requests
  • Make Recommendations to Council 
  • Hold Budget workshops (Spring)
  • Manage GPSA Budget
  • Work with SGAO for budget allocations


Grants Director:

The Grants Committee organizes and executes the annual GPSA Grant Cycles (Summer, Fall and Spring). Grants supported through GPSA are the Student Research Grant (SRG, up to $500, all cycles), Professional Development Grant (PDG, up to $500, all cycles), and the New Mexico Research Grant (NMRG, up to $3,000 for general priority and up to $5,000 for high priority, offered only during Fall cycle). Furthermore, the GPSA offers the Graduate Scholarship Fund (GSF, up to $1000, all cycles).

For additional information regarding individual grants and information regarding open grants, please click here.


  • Administer the annual GPSA grant cycles during the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters
  • Receive and process grant applications 
  • Organize training programs for grant applicants
  • Recruit and train grant readers
  • Score and notify grant recipients 
  • Work with SGAO for grant allocations


Political Director:

The Political Director works with the GPSA President and officers to determine legislative priorities for GPSA on behalf of graduate and professional students at the University of New Mexico. The Director regularly meets with NM legislators and the UNM Governmental Affairs office, as well as the Alumni Association to determine UNM's priorities and coordinate GPSA's lobbying efforts. Currently the Political Dirctor is preparing legislation and finding legislative sponsors.


  • Work with UNM Governmental Affairs
  • Work with the GPSA President to identify and plan for GPSA Priorities 
  • Attend the New Mexico legislative session (Spring)
  • Submit legislation on behalf of GPSA to the New Mexico Legislature
  • Plan graduate and Professional events
  • Enable close working relationship with UNM Community



Public Relations & Development Director:

The public relations chair and committee is to promote equity, inclusion, and improvement through effective communication strategies and skills, internally and externally, in an effort to help GPSA actualize its goals of providing awareness of educational services, programs and events, grants and scholarships, and advocacy for professional and graduate students at UNM. Implements programs that serve and facilitate interaction between graduate & professional students at the University of New Mexico and provides service to the University and local community, collaborating with the programming of other student organizations as appropriate. For suggestions on events please contact the Public Relations & Development Director. Updates on GPSA Events can be found on our home page.



  • Create and disseminate promotional materials in print and online, including on social media
  • Implement strategies for cooperation between GPSA and current or potential partnerships
  • Create and/or update training videos or scripts for GPSA personnel
  • Running all social media for various events for GPSA’s Executive Branch
  • Creating visual marketing campaigns
  • Updating and renovating the GPSA Website
  • Serving as an advisor to the president on external matters
  • Working with the Programs and Student Support & Advocacy chairs on events
  • Running social media campaigns and spearheading the GPSA social media platforms
  • Plan graduate and Professional events
  • Enable close working relationship with UNM Community
  • Assists with all other public relations and marketing efforts


Judicial Standing Committees

Attorney General:

The Attorney General is to promote equity, inclusion, and improvement through effective compliance of policy and procedure dictated to the organization by GPSA's Governing Documents. The AG and committee ensure that all branches of GPSA are acting in accordance of stipulations for professional and graduate students at UNM.


  • Issuing advisory opinions concerning the law, legislation, or any other act of GPSA when requested
  • Providing a current copy of the GPSA Governing Documents at the request of any individual or group
  • Assisting the President in the execution of their duties
  • Serving as an advisor to all branches of GPSA
  • Providing advice and counsel concerning all acts of GPSA when requested to do so
  • Providing counsel for the government in all suits against them
  • Updating and distributing the Constitution for the purpose of engrossing any Constitutional Amendments as passed by GPSA Council and approved by the UNM Board of Regents
  • Codifying of the Bylaws in consultation with the President and the Council Chair

Chief Justice:

The primary responsibility of the Chief Justice is to head the Judicial Branch of the GPSA. S/he will have jurisdiction over disputes arising under the GPSA Constitution and Bylaws, and provide leadership to a minimum of two Associate Justices.


  • Hear complaints brought forth by a GPSA member regarding
    • Matters arising under the GPSA Constitution and Bylaws
    • Acts of the President, Council Chair, GPSA Staff, or other GPSA official when acting under the authority of GPSA
  • Determine questions of constitutionality and adherence to GPSA law as a result of official complaints
  • Create a written record of all decisions and actions of the Court to be maintained in the GPSA office
  • Provide an annual written report of the Court to be included in the annual GPSA report
  • Hear cases as deemed appropriate under the Bylaws
  • Provide timely updates to the President and Chief of Staff as required
  • Adhere to the Constitution and Bylaws in the execution of his/her responsibilities, power and duties
  • Other duties as defined by the GPSA Constitution and Bylaws