Annual Budget

Budgets are submitted by chartered student organizations and reviewed by the Finance Committee during scheduled budget hearings. The Finance Committee will review all the requests and make revisions to the budget requests based on the merits of the request, the needs of the organization, and the funding available. After deliberations, the Finance Committee forwards a balanced budget to the GPSA Council where the Council votes on the budget. Finally, the GPSA President must sign off on a balanced budget no later than early April. The budget allocations will be dispersed at the start of the fiscal year (July 1) and any allocated funding that is unused will revert to the GPSA General Fund at the end of the fiscal year and will be eventually be distributed again to student organizations.

Eligibility for the GPSA Annual Budget Process

  • Be a chartered Student Organization through the Student Activities Center

  • Have active graduate and/or professional student membership
  • May NOT be an RDSA/RGSA that directly applies for and receives GPSA PB (Pro-rated Benefit) Funding

Use of GPSA Budget Funds

Annual budget funding is primarily intended for:

  • Operational expenses (advertising, copying, office supplies, recruitment materials, and equipment, etc.)
  • Reoccurring costs

Budget funding is NOT intended for:

  • Travel
  • One-time events
  • Rainy day funds 

Budget Application

In order to receive a budget application and packet, organizations need to attend a GPSA Budget Workshop. After attending a workshop, organizations will receive an application via email.

Applications are due by the date listed below, with no exceptions. 

FY25 Budget Process Timeline





Budget Workshop 12/9/258:00 a.m. (MT)/ Zoom
Budget Workshop 22/11/2511:00 a.m. (MT)/ Zoom
Budget Workshop 32/12/255:30 p.m. (MT) / Zoom
Budget Workshop 42/13/2511:00 a.m. (MT) / Zoom
Budget Workshop 52/18/2511:00 a.m. (MT) / Zoom
Budget Workshop 6 2/20/2511:00 a.m. (MT) / Zoom
Budget Application Deadline2/21/255pm
Hearing Schedule Announced2/25/2512pmSchedule
Budget Hearings and Deliberations Day 13/1/258am-5pmSchedule
Budget Hearings and Deliberations Day 23/2/258am-5pmTBA
Finance Committee Recommendations Announced 3/14/2510amTBA
Council Consideration of Fiscal Year Budget3/29/2510amTBA


FY26 Budget -  Recommendations

The following FY26 student organization budgets will be approved by the Finance Committee on TBA. The recommended budget amounts will be presented and approved by GPSA Council for final approval on TBA.

Student Organization 

Budget Request


Spring Budget Bill FY 2024


Further Questions?

For questions about chartering a student organization contact the Student Activities Center (SAC) at 277-4706 or

To request information about a budget breakdown or to learn about setting up and utilizing a university account for a student organization, contact the Student Government Accounting Office (SGAO) at 277-7888 or SGAO is located in SUB 1018 and the mail stop code is MSCO3 2210.

For information specifically about GPSA funding for a student organization contact the Finance Chair at or contact the GPSA Office at  277-3803.