How to Join the GPSA Listserv
GPSA sends regular emails out to the graduate student body. These emails contain updates about GPSA operations, campus events, and opportunities and information for students! If you would like to keep up to date with us, please consider subscibing to our listserv. Note: If you are already subscribed to 'ALLGRAD-L' listserv, you may receive the same email twice.
Join Online
- Log in at:
- Click on the link "Subscribe to a list" in the upper left hand corner of the window
- Next to the "List Name" field type GPSA-L
- Click "Submit"
- Enter your name and email address
- Click "Join List"
- You will receive a confirmation email; follow the instructions to approve the request to join
Join via Email
- Compose an email message to, leaving the subject line blank
- In the body of the message only enter the following "subscribe" command:
subscribe GPSA-L Firstname Lastname
Replace Firstname and Lastname with your first name and last name. The body of the message should contain only the subscribe command; delete any signatures or other characters before sending the message.
You will receive a confirmation email; follow the instructions to approve the request to join.